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Aspargus Fern

Aspargus Fern

Asparagus aethiopicus Light: Indirect light Water: Keep moist Soil type: Well drained potting soil Fertilizer: Feed with liquid or water-soluble all-purpose plant food diluted to 1/2 strength. During summer, the plant may need weekly feedings; otherwise, feed monthly. Toxic to cats/dogs/babies: Asparagus fern plants are mildly toxic to humans and cats and dogs Special care: Thrives on humidity.

Audrey ficus

Audrey ficus

Ficus benghalensis High levels of bright indirect sun or direct sun Consistently and evenly moist soil, allow top 2-3” to dry out between waterings, then water thoroughly until you see water run from the drainage hole. Be sure to never let water sit in the tray. Soil type: rich fertile soil, well draining Feed: once a month during spring and summer Toxic: the sap can be a skin irritant and somewhat toxic when consumed Special care: avoid hot or cold drafts.

Birds nest fern

Birds nest fern

Asplenium nidus Can tolerate low to bright Filtered light; avoid direct sun Water when top half of soil becomes dry - aim to water just the soil and not the center of the nest to avoid mold growth Soil : loamy, peat based, moist, well draining, acidic Feed with diluted fertilizer during growing season, withhold fertilizer for the rest of the year Nontoxic Special care: thrives in high humidity, new leaves are fragile so avoid touching them Location: tropical regions like asia, hawaii.



Philodendron ‘Birkin’ Can tolerate low to bright Filtered light; avoid direct sun Water once every 1-2 week Soil:best in loose, well-drained soil that is high in organic matter. They will grow in 100% sphagnum peat moss. Soilless mixtures such as peat-vermiculite or peat-perlite are also satisfactory. Feed with diluted fertilizer during growing season, withhold fertilizer for the rest of the year Toxic Special care: these guys hate being over watered Location: rainforests of Brazil and Paragua

Burgundy Rubber Plant

Burgundy Rubber Plant

FIcus elastica Bright indirect sunlight Water thoroughly when the top 1-2” of soil are dry. This plant is sensitive to overwatering and susceptible to root rot. Watering times can be cut in half during winter months. Well aerated, well draining soil Feed once a month during spring and summer. No feed is necessary in winter months. Mildly toxic to humans and pets Special care: dust the leaves occasionally with damp cloth. This plant likes humidity



Pilea peperomioides Medium to bright, indirect sunlight 55°F-85°F Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings Soil type: moderately rich, well draining. Peat-moss based soil is ideal Feed once a month during growing season Non toxic, pet and baby safe Special care: can be sensitive to overwatering. Be sure to rotate your pilea periodically to ensure even growth Location: from China, grows in tropical and subtropical regions

Dumb Cane

Dumb Cane

Diffenbachia Medium to bright light, tolerant of shady spaces, direct sunlight will scorch the leaves Keep soil moist, don’t let it dry out during growing season. Can tolerate some drying out in winter months, or if in lower light conditions Fast draining, add coarse sand or perlite to standard potting mix Feed monthly with diluted fertilizer highly toxic to pets and humans Special care : avoid drafts and give the plant high humidity South america

eyelash fern

eyelash fern

Light: Indirect Water: Keep soil moist Soil type: peat, organic matter, sand keep moist Fertilizer: Once a month diluted Toxic to cats/dogs/babies: No Special care: Keep plant warm Location: Australia Interesting facts: Used in traditional folk medicine



Jasminum Light: Full sun/partial shade Water: Water multiple times each week, especially in the hotter months. Water it once the top 1 inch of the soil is dry. Soil type: Well-drained, moist, moderately fertile sandy loamy soil. Fertilizer: Use a fertilizer rich in potassium and phosphorus to extend the bloom time. Indoor Jasmine plants should be fertilized at least twice a year, but during the growing season of spring and summer, liquid fertilizer can be fed to the plant every few weeks.



Adiantum raddianum Light: Partial sun, shade Water: Keep Moist, Likes Humidity, Mist With Warm Water Soil type: Well Draining Fertilizer: During the warmer months of the year, apply a liquid fertilizer every two weeks. Toxic to cats/dogs/babies: No Special care: Avoid harsh light or direct rays, as the delicate leaves of the maidenhair fern can burn very easily. Location: Native of Tropical Americas, West Indies Interesting facts: The fronds of the maidenhair fern are known to repel water

olive tree

olive tree

Olea europea Light: Sunny South Facing Window/Full Sun Water:Allow the top inch of soil in the pot to dry out in between waterings. Soil type: Use a large container with drainage holes and a well draining soil. Fertilizer: Established olive trees require fertilizer to stay healthy and produce every year. They need a balanced fertilizer with a 16-16-16 nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium ratio or similar. Toxic to cats/dogs/babies No

peacock plant

peacock plant

Calathea Makoyana Partial Shade, indirect light Moist, well drained (lukewarm water, rainwater ideal) water when the first ¼ is dry, let the soil saturate and excess water is coming out of the drainage hole. Soil type: Acid, Neutral, Slightly Alkaline Feed: every 15 days in the summer Toxic to cats/dogs/babies: non-Toxic Special care: Vulnerable to dry environments and red mites Location:Brasil Interesting facts: Considered a prayer plant, closes its leaves in the evening and opens at day

Pitcher Plant

Pitcher Plant

Nepenthes Alata Medium to bright indirect light, depending on the species Keep moist but not soggy, best if used rain water or distilled water as they are sensitive to chemicals in tap water Do not need rich soil since they thrive off of nutrient deprived soils, but well draining, slightly acidic soil is ideal Feed lightly with orchid food monthly from spring into fall Non-toxic Special care: these plants don't need a lot of nutrients or fertilizer, but adults will enjoy a dead insect to fee

ponytail palm

ponytail palm

Beaucarnea recurvata Light: Bright Indirect Light Water: Water from spring through fall, allowing the top inch or two of soil to dry completely before re-watering. During the winter, only water occasionally. Soil type: fast draining soil, such as a cacti and succulent potting mix. Fertilizer: Once a month. Diluted liquid fertilizer. Toxic to cats/dogs/babies Special care: To water, soak the soil and allow the excess water to drain through the bottom of the pot into a dish.



Snake Plant Bright filtered sunlight is ideal, but will survive in lower indirect light as well (60-75°F) Thrives in humidity. Allow soil to dry out completely and soak thoroughly until excess water is see coming from the drainage hole. Reduce watering in winter months. Well draining sandy loam/succulent potting mix with a pH of 6 to 7 Not a lot of fertilizer is needed, give diluted feed Mildly toxic to humans and animals Special care: Hardy and super easy



Monstera deliciosa Partial Shade to Full Sunlight Water: Water when the top 1.2 inch is dried out, water thoroughly til you see excess water coming from the drainage hole Well drained chalky, loam, Acid, Neutral, Slightly Alkaline Fertilizer: once a month during growing season Toxic to cats and dogs Special care: simple plant to care for Location: Rain forest Interesting facts: slits in leaves are nature's way of protecting the plant from gusty winds and heavy rains. Can grow up to 10’

Umbrella plant

Umbrella plant

Schefflera Bright indirect light (55-75 degrees F) mist leaves often but allow soil to dry out completely before watering again thoroughly Rich, slightly moist base, well draining sandy loam with slightly acidic pH Heavy feeders, fertilize twice a week during summer months Toxic to cats and dogs Special care Native to forests of Australia and New Guinea


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